Africa: Rethinking Economic Development for Rapid Industrialisation

Africa: Rethinking Economic Development for Rapid Industrialisation

Africa and African People are living at one of the most Opportune Moments of Abundance in history. Abundance because of Africa’s aggregated GDP, so much for a place that was once considered a source of extraction for Slaves to work in other parts of the world like Europe, the Americas, and Arabia.

So Opportune because technology has been somewhat democratized. I paraphrase President Xi-Jiping at the China-Africa Summit held in 2015 at the FOCAC (Forum on China-Africa Cooperation) in South Africa. “China is now in a Position to Help Africa in all Areas of Technology”. This shows us that technology is available for our rapid Use to industrialize.

Africa’s Population is a market asset, Africa’s youngest population is the needed labor for industrialization. Africa’s GDP of USD 3.5 trillion is the Capital required to Start off the development process of running Africa as a Business with Ubuntu Characteristics which would catapult Africa to a GDP of 30 trillion in 15 years. Africa’s natural resources need no further elaboration, they are immense and Africa’s Location being at the center of the Earth is an immense advantage.

African heads of state have to recognize that the continent can not continue towing the beggar line with a bowl in hand to people more-so who don’t have the money but are rather looking to exploit Africa to develop, and whose development is to be achieved at the expense of Africa through blackmail and printing of fake dollars and other forms of money.

The relationship between State and private sector investment has to immediately be revised to work out one beneficial to Africa and abandon the lazy rhetoric of the private sector as the only way to heavenly development. Indeed, it has been State governments that have financed research in Aircraft, Automobile, Telecommunication, Semi-Conductors, and energy in the same countries which blackmail Africa and the Global South to leave everything to the so-called Private Sector.

A closer look at Corporations like Boeing, Airbus, Tesla, General Motors, COMAC, BYD etc. who have become global leaders in their fields tells us that huge subsidies and direct capital have been injected into these companies before they would take off.

This is why Sectors Like Mining, Aircraft Manufacturing, Energy, Water, Automobile, Railway Rolling stock Trains Manufacturing, etc. can not be left to lazy sloganeering and Rhetoric. The Opportunity offered by President Xi-Jiping of China for Access to Technology was unfortunately not taken up because there is a lack of organisation within the African Continent, different heads of state are running in different directions making a lot of mistakes, accomplishing little to nothing and pointing to democracy every time they are questioned about their non-accomplishment.

This state of Continental affairs has to be turned around in haste in order to fast-track the development of the continent, the heads of state who understand the moment we are living in, have to rapidly work together, and the private sector Pan African body has to play its role in identifying those African heads of State moving in the right African direction, encourage them and offer advice in this direction. Africa can not afford to miss this opportunity for development in this generation.

Join Us in this Struggle of Making African Development a reality.


Kwame Gonza